Company profile

From 2024, GENERAL GEOLOGY LIMITED is the legal successor of NADRA GROUP, which began with its first enterprise established in 1991. Over time, this enterprise developed into a group of private industrial companies offering a wide range of geological exploration services, manufacturing corresponding tools and equipment, and implementing extraction projects for investors. The founders and managers of these companies were prominent Ukrainian geologists with experience in managing enterprises within Ukraine's State geological sector. During the transition from a planned to a market economy, Ukraine's State geological exploration sector disintegrated and rapidly degraded. These specialists joined the private companies of NADRA GROUP, bringing their knowledge and skills, thereby establishing a high initial level of professional expertise and competence within the Group's private companies. NADRA GROUP's industrial companies have completed more than thousand independent projects in the exploration and support of resource extraction, including energy, mineral, and undeground water resources, as well as in the production of relevant tools and equipment, both in Ukraine and in more than 20 countries worldwide.

The implementation of integrated projects involving both affiliated and independent companies has allowed NADRA GROUP to significantly expand its business areas since 2001. By providing services to three groups of clients — investors, production companies, and governments — and understanding the needs of each group, interdependence, the necessity of cooperation, while also considering the interests of local communities during and after project execution, NADRA GROUP has implementing a new model of balanced business for the efficient, rational, and responsible use of natural resources.

NADRA GROUP companies managed projects related to the use of natural resources, providing such projects with a full range of services, essential materials, and equipment, as well as organizing the distribution of the produced goods. Specially developed operational digital models for all types of services have enabled total optimization of costs and the entire range of work during project execution, ensuring complete transparency and predictability for the business operations of partner network participants.

In 2015, influenced by changes in the global agenda, the crucial role of Earth sciences in creating a carbon-neutral future became clear. It became evident that New Geology is dedicated to contribute to addressing contemporary challenges, promoting sustainable development, and facilitating the green transition through the application of advanced scientific approaches and technologies, particularly to mitigate the processes and consequences of climate catastrophe. NADRA GROUP's business has been reframed to align with the priorities of these new challenges and the needs of society.

The wealth of experience accumulated by NADRA GROUP companies over more than 30 years of operation has paved the way for the initiation of the most ambitious partnership project of the global digital ecosystem, ONEGEO.COM.

The platform has become a manifestation of the ideas of New Geology in the global digital space and stands as a cross-sectoral partnership project of its stakeholders. ONEGEO.COM invites political parties, national parliaments, executive bodies, regional and global intergovernmental associations, educational and research institutions, both state-owned and private industrial enterprises and associations, financial institutions, professional civil society organizations, and digital internet communities—everyone engaged in green initiatives—to join as stakeholders and share their content on the news feed and in corresponding sections of the platform.

The stakeholder network holds a pivotal role in the platform's operations, comprising local, regional, and global green movements, associations, and civic organizations. Precisely by engaging with these civic groups, the global community gains the chance to support green projects and initiatives led by professional stakeholders, to jointly participate in electoral campaigns within their countries, to oversee the implementation of intergovernmental green agreements, and more.

The platform enables stakeholders to organize communication and collaboration among themselves, to unify efforts and forge partnerships, to establish project groups and consortia, and to support their activities.

The platform is dedicated to bring together and guide participants in finding optimal solutions aligned with the objectives of green transformation and green transition, addressing the global environmental and social challenges of the 21st century, ultimately fostering a green future for Earth.

GENERAL GEOLOGY manages, organizes, and offers methodological support for the interaction among all participants of the digital platform. It ensures the smooth operation of technical resources and monitors compliance with internal network standards by both its participants and other entities.