
The issue of social responsibility in the development of projects related to the exploration and extraction of energy, mineral, and water resources, including groundwater, is extremely important as it affects the vital interests of individuals, local communities, and governmental structures.

The use of natural resources requires harmonizing interests: investors who allocate capital to projects for profit, extractive companies for which resources are the subject of production, governments as managers of natural resources, and local authorities/communities, who are direct and indirect partners in the development processes.

The interaction between all project partners requires defining and specifying the role and interests of each partner. Clear definition of these roles and interests has enabled NADRA GROUP companies to develop packages of integrated high-tech solutions for each client group separately, aiming for efficient, balanced, and investment-attractive use of natural resources.

NADRA GROUP companies ensured that all project partners understood and achieved sustainable development goals through partnerships aimed at implementing principles of rational use of natural resources and avoiding negative impacts on society and the environment. Developing projects within the framework of sustainable development strategies is beneficial for all project partners because it considers not only short-term gains and losses but also forecasts results for long-term effects throughout the whole project implementation period.

NADRA GROUP companies provide a transparent business environment, offering clear and open information to all stakeholders involved in the project to make informed decisions.

The responsibility of NADRA GROUP companies lies in their ability to analyse the specific conditions of projects, forecast the positive and negative consequences of activities, and inspire project partners to act for the benefit of the entire system, not just their own interests.

The social engagement of NADRA GROUP companies has taken on a broad scope since 2000 when they initiated a strategic partnership with the All-Ukrainian Public Organization "Ukrainian Association of Geologists" (UAG), which unites 3,345 individual members. Membership in UAG is voluntary and involves sharing common interests and professional goals, contributing to knowledge and technology exchange, research activities, cooperation, and improving the quality of scientific research in the field of Earth Sciences.

The ideology of UAG is rooted in a commitment to the principles of sustainable development - social justice and inclusivity, ecological integrity, and reducing anthropogenic impact on the planet's ecosystems, sustainable economic growth through efficient resource utilization and innovation - to ensure balanced development for humanity and future generations, improve quality of life, and participate in processes to enhance global well-being. As a professional institute of civil society, UAG plays an active role in promoting the integration of geological knowledge with other knowledge of natural conditions and Earth resources for the development of the planet's resource potential, ensuring effective, balanced, and careful use of the entire spectrum of natural resources, protecting the environment, and preserving ecosystems.

In response to the global challenges of the 21st century, UAG mobilizes geologists and professionals from other Earth sciences to participate in processes of sustainable development, green transformation, and the green transition, fostering constructive dialogue among all stakeholders, both nationally in Ukraine and globally.

For almost 25 years, NADRA GROUP companies have been actively supporting UAG in developing scientific communications. Hundreds of scientific events have been co-organized, ranging from small scientific forums, professional conferences, and round tables to nationwide geological congresses.

NADRA GROUP companies have extensive experience in organizing and conducting scientific events, including collaboration with scientific institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, higher education institutions, and participation of influential international professional organizations such as AAPG, EAGE, EFG.

A significant event for the geology of Ukraine and the entire region was the Regional Conference of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) "Exploration and Appraisal Works for Oil and Gas in the Black Sea-Caspian Region: Current Research and Future Plans" (Kyiv, 2010). The conference was held with substantial financial and organizational support from UAG and NADRA GROUP companies. The conference was attended by 502 delegates from 212 organizations and companies from 28 countries worldwide.

For a decade, NADRA GROUP companies organized and provided financial support for educational programs "Professional Development of Specialists of Oil and Gas Industry of Ukraine for International Cooperation and Work in Western companies" and "Employment and Adaptation to the Market Economy of Exploration Industry Specialists in order to Preserve the Human and Intellectual Potential of Ukrainian Geology." Partners of these programs included UAG, leading Ukrainian geological exploration and production companies, foreign companies operating in Ukraine, as well as numerous international professional organizations.

With the financial and organizational support of NADRA GROUP companies, UAG has published a significant amount of professional literature. In 2003, the professional full-format journal "Ukrainian Geologist " was founded, and a total of 45 issues have been published. Numerous collections of scientific papers, monographs, books for teenagers, and more have been printed. NADRA GROUP companies supported the work of the veterans' club and volunteer institute.

NADRA GROUP companies actively collaborated with all major Ukrainian institutions of higher education and vocational colleges in secondary education, supporting their educational programs in the field of Earth sciences. This collaboration included training and retraining of personnel, scientific-research activities, and the development of educational infrastructure. NADRA GROUP companies were partners in the innovative ecosystem Sikorsky Challenge at the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, focusing on utilizing advanced technologies in natural resource management.

Students from specialized educational institutions underwent internships at NADRA GROUP companies and defended their coursework and diploma projects based on the results of their geological research. The best graduates from various generations successfully work in NADRA GROUP enterprises. The practical experience gained contributes to shaping young professionals of a high level who can later work in leading geological companies worldwide.

NADRA GROUP companies provide support to UAG in implementing educational and enlightenment projects to engage young people in the study of geology. Over 100 jointly organized events have taken place aimed at fostering environmental awareness among young students, teaching the fundamentals of geology, encouraging girls to study geosciences and engineering, and more.